Volume 4, Issue 3: Winter 2023. DOI: 10.1037/tmb0000122
Software development is a complex process requiring aspects of social, cognitive, and technical skills. Software engineers face high levels of uncertainty and risk during functional and security decision making. This preregistered study investigates behavioral measures of cognitive reflection, risk aversion, and optimism bias among professional freelance software developers and computer science students, to expose relationships between uncertainty-associated language and risk sensitivity. We employ content analysis with a mixed-effect model to understand how psychological dimensions influence risk sensitivity in secure software development. We show an interaction between cognitive reflection and optimism bias in the proportion of uncertainty-related language used. Overly optimistic outlooks combined with higher cognitive reflection drives up expressions of uncertainty, while pessimistic or realistic individuals reduce uncertainty as cognitive reflection increases. Software engineers who hold average or pessimistic views on the security of their code are more likely to speak more intuitively about security and risk. We discuss the potential of our findings in relation to understanding how to leverage language used by engineers as markers of risk aversion. Encouraging increased discourse could be used as a catalyst for increased cognitive reflection and grounding optimistic behaviors, leading to more careful decisions.
Video Abstract
Keywords: software engineer, cognitive reflection, optimism bias
Acknowledgements: The authors extend their gratitude to Kat Benier and Maha Sweetha Singaravelu Shanmugam for assisting in the data validation process.
Funding: Funding was provided by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for the project, “The Soft Skills of Software Learning Development: The Psychological Dimensions of Computing and Security Behaviours.” All research involved in this project was approved by the University Faculty Ethics committee. Participants provided informed consent before commencing with the research study.
Disclosures: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Data Availability: This article has been preregistered and can be accessed at https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/ZBQE4. Data, analysis, and any materials required to reproduce this article are openly accessible at https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/SJ8BT. The data have been used previ- ously, and subject to a thematic analysis that complements this article. A preprint of this can be found at https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/pexvz, and the analysis method is different enough to necessitate an independent article.
Open Science Disclosures:
The data are available at https://osf.io/sj8bt/files/osfstorage.
The experimental materials are available at https://osf.io/sj8bt/files/ osfstorage.
The preregistered design and analysis plan (transparent changes notation) is accessible at https://osf.io/zbqe4.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Matthew Ivory, Department of Psychology, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA14YW, United Kingdom. Email: matthew.ivory@ lancaster.ac.uk
Software is at the foundation of our modern world; we rely on it for almost everything, from communication to financial transactions, to information storage. When software fails or is altered by malicious actors, this has real-world consequences, including psychological harm (Palassis et al., 2021). Consequently, reducing software vulnerabilities—for example, by applying psychological insights and methods to those who create software—is becoming increasingly important.
Secure coding is defined as a programming practice that avoids software vulnerabilities (Rauf et al., 2021), allowing for data exchanges and logic flows to occur without interference by third parties. For our purposes, a security vulnerability is defined as an unexpected logic flow resulting in exploitable situations allowing for unintended access to information or functionality. Reducing vulnerabilities and increasing risk sensitivity in software engineers therefore has the potential for improving secure coding practices.
The solution appears simple—“Write secure software!,” yet such imperatives are usually not sufficient for secure coding (Hallett et al., 2021). It is well established that warnings or commands alone do not motivate action unless an individual perceives the importance of the command (Dash & Gladwin, 2007). Despite software security’s importance, 76% of software possessed at least one well-known vulnerability in a recent review (Veracode, 2020), and 69% of software engineers were unaware of third-party vulnerabilities within their own code (Kula et al., 2018). Our approach works toward a better understanding of the psychological profiles of those who write software, to ultimately facilitate an increase in the salience of security and deployment of secure practices.
Secure coding can be achieved through technical interventions, such as using dedicated testing teams or rigorous workflows, but with over 40% of the app software engineer community comprising of solo or amateur software engineers (van der Linden et al., 2020), it is important to address the individual within the development process, rather than just roles and technical solutions.
When investigating software engineers’ priorities, functionality has repeatedly superseded security (Kirlappos et al., 2013; Lopez, Sharp, et al., 2019), despite implicit security expectations in high-quality software (Tahaei & Vaniea, 2019). Even when given security-specific coding tasks (such as password storage), security is often omitted unless prompted (Hallett et al., 2021; Naiakshina et al., 2019). A reduced security focus has been attributed variously to a perception of effort (Kirlappos et al., 2013), absence of responsibility (Gotterbarn, 2001), and even to mistaken assumptions that their tools are secure (Nadi et al., 2016; Palombo et al., 2020). To our knowledge, the disposition toward risk and uncertainty has not been systematically explored.
To that end, we use a novel approach to highlight links between domain-general psychological constructs such as cognitive reflection, risk aversion, and optimism biases as mediators of how engineers might think about security. This research emphasizes the need to consider individual differences in the psychology of engineers as their actions can have significant impact within the real world, consistent with the suggestion that heuristics and biases impact secure software decision making (Brun et al., 2022; Oliveira et al., 2014, 2018).
By deliberately using abstract cognitive measures as opposed to signals from software-specific activities, we aim to develop an understanding of how cognition shapes or molds those activities. Through a quantitative analysis of language use around security perceptions, we can highlight links between software security and the language used. Language is grounded in perception and action and can be used to share our internalized models with others (Hagoort, 2023; Jackendoff, 2009). Through studying how software engineers describe security within their work and their personal experiences (or absence of), we can associate their language with cognition, which reflects their internal models and beliefs, and may reflect their real-world behavior, but importantly, it may provide an opportunity to identify potentially insecure coding practices.
Dual processing theory frames decision making and reasoning in terms of individual propensity to engage in different cognitive styles (Evans, 2003). System 1 processing is driven by intuition and heuristic use, allowing individuals to reduce complex decisions into simpler operations requiring less cognitive effort (Kahneman et al., 1974; Kahneman & Frederick, 2002). Heuristics form “mental shortcuts” that can be used in multiple scenarios to simplify and speedup decisions (Beike & Sherman, 1994). Through heuristic use, System 1 processing is much faster, automatic, and intuitive compared to more drawn-out processing, or System 2. System 2 processing involves deliberate, thought-out, and analytic judgements, allowing for abstract and hypothetical thinking. System 2 is more computationally demanding than System 1, attempting to arrive at optimal solutions by analyzing available information, and is reserved for situations that cannot be resolved with System 1 processing.
A default-interventionist model of dual processing (Evans & Stanovich, 2013; Kahneman & Frederick, 2002) suggests decision making uses System 1 as a default, and System 2 is deployed only when it is sufficiently cued and available (Damnjanović et al., 2019; Evans, 2010b). Both systems can possess conscious and unconscious aspects of cognition (Evans, 2010a).
If System 2 is not sufficiently cued, then decision making relies on heuristics. Gigerenzer (2002) suggested that these heuristics form part of an adaptive toolbox, allowing for rational decisions within the constraints of the available information (bounded rationality). Importantly, a core aspect of the adaptive toolbox is that heuristics can be considered ecologically rational if they benefit decision making within specific contexts (Gigerenzer, 2015). When heuristics fail to provide good choices, it is not strictly the cognitive mechanism itself, but rather its poor fit to the decision context (Gigerenzer & Todd, 1999; Kahneman et al., 1974). This is relevant to writing secure code, as it has been suggested previously that heuristics do not provide rational decisions in these contexts resulting in biased decision making (Oliveira et al., 2018).
Biases can be defined as systematic, flawed response patterns that deviate from expected normative performance (Evans, 1984). Not all heuristics invoke biases and poor decisions, but in certain instances, they can result in nonoptimal decisions. One example of a context where heuristics become biases is software security. In daily life, we possess no security heuristic, and by extension, no heuristic exists for secure coding (Oliveira et al., 2014). Oliveira et al. primed developers for security which increased their sensitivity to software vulnerabilities, dual-processing theory would frame this as priming that triggers System 2 processing. Previous work following the claim that software security is heavily impacted by biased thinking has examined links between general cognition and secure coding (Brun et al., 2022; Oliveira et al., 2018), whereas we build upon this claim by using widely deployed measures of thinking and dual processing to examine the individual differences.
Previous research suggests security prompting can increase code quality (Hallett et al., 2021), specific vulnerability identification (Spadini et al., 2020), and code comprehension (Danilova et al., 2021). Moreover, System 1 processing can be suppressed in favor of System 2 through prompting, either overtly through verbal/written requests (Evans & Stanovich, 2013; Pennycook et al., 2020), or implicitly through metacognitive prompts (Alter et al., 2007; Alter & Oppenheimer, 2008).
So how can we measure the disposition toward types of thinking and biases? We review evidence that cognitive reflection examines the activation of the processing systems, prospect theory measures risk seeking behaviors, and optimism bias is a proxy for intuitive processing.
Cognitive reflection is the ability to reflect upon a question before answering and inhibiting the immediate response and is most commonly measured using a form of the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT; Frederick, 2005). In this article, we take the position that CRT is a useful measure of an individual’s propensity to activate System 2 processing in response to a question requiring more deliberate thought, and by virtue of engaging system 2, is also a measure of System 1 suppression (Frederick, 2005).
Specifically, the CRT has been widely deployed as a measure of System 2 engagement, through the suppression of System 1. The CRT presents questions with intuitive, yet incorrect answers and one must reflect on the question to respond correctly. An example of a CRT question is, “A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?”1 The intuitive and incorrect response is the most common answer (Frederick, 2005; Sinayev & Peters, 2015), implying that indeed System 1 thinking is a default mechanism.
CRT has been informative for illuminating decision making in the workplace. Teachers in higher education demonstrated higher CRT being associated with teaching more technology-related materials (Janssen et al., 2019), implying educators with higher reflective thinking are more suited to teaching fields that require high levels of logical thinking (such as information technology). In terms of teaching experience, CRT was associated with increased rationality and greater consideration of future events (Čavojová & Jurkovič, 2017).
To our knowledge, there is no empirical work investigating CRT and software development, however, CRT has been linked with predicting susceptibility to detecting phishing emails (Jones et al., 2019), loss aversion (Frederick, 2005), and forecasting (Moritz et al., 2014).
Bias susceptibility can be used as a proxy to capture the strength of System 1 processing. Unrealistic optimism is a bias where individuals perceive themselves to be less likely to experience negative events compared to others (Sharot, 2011; Weinstein, 1980). People typically exhibit a persistent bias regarding future events, in that they overestimate the likelihood they will experience positive events and underestimate the chances of experiencing negative ones. This bias covers a broad range of events, from life events such as car accidents to more mundane events, such as estimating the time required to complete a project (Cappos et al., 2014).
For cybersecurity, users have been found to underestimate their risk online, increasing their vulnerability cybersecurity attacks (West, 2008; Wiederhold, 2014). In a thematic analysis of the same data presented in this article, engineers reported negative events as being damaging to their identity as an engineer (Ivory et al., 2023), indicating that for some, they associate the potential of software vulnerabilities in one’s code as being a negative event. As such, a logical assumption would be that software developers are also susceptible to optimistic outlooks toward their work, and underestimating the likelihood of negative events, such as vulnerabilities in their code (as a potential marker of low-quality work).
Optimism in the software development domain has been previously investigated using professionals, with software engineers being worse at estimating time management than those in nontechnical roles (Mølokken & Jørgensen, 2005). Both software engineers and executives experience difficulties in making security-related decisions, demonstrating overconfidence in their software security (Loske et al., 2013). We extend the understanding of optimism bias in a security-specific context by relating this to the language used around software security.
Risk aversion can be linked to prospect theory, which suggests decisions maximize gains and minimize losses (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979). People experience negativity from a loss more strongly than positivity from gains. Accordingly, people typically make choices that minimize loss over maximizing gain (Levy, 1992).
Frederick (2005) reported an association with prospect theory and CRT, showing higher CRT scores accompanied increased risk aversion to losses (i.e., an increased willingness to accept a sure loss than to risk a greater loss). Frederick also showed people make riskier decisions when facing potential gains (willing to risk greater gains than accept sure gains). This supports the idea risk aversion is influenced by heuristics and cognitive biases. Risk aversion has wider generalizability toward, for example, general decision making under risk (Abdellaoui et al., 2007).
Kina et al. (2016) examined software engineer tool adoption practices and found that when new tools are not guaranteed to maximize profit and contain risks, engineers are more risk averse and instead rely upon the known familiarity of familiar tools. This suggests a certainty effect, or bias in play. When examining factors that shape software project decisions, loss magnitude was considered a more significant factor than loss likelihood, highlighting the relevance of choice value (Keil et al., 2000). By measuring risk aversion as a function of risk sensitivity in language used when talking about security, we can examine how security is framed and how the framing manifests in the language used.
There have been calls for more psychological research within computing and software security (Acar et al., 2016; Capretz & Ahmed, 2018), with greater appreciation of the individual involved, and the heterogeneity of behaviors relevant to development roles. The present research answers these calls by exploring the role of individual cognition and its effect on security perceptions. We address this by investigating the cognitive differences seen in risk sensitivity when talking about security in software. Within software engineering, the role of biases and heuristics has been acknowledged (Chattopadhyay et al., 2020; Petre, 2022), as well as in a systematic review, while noting that research has yet to fully characterize and describe their impact (Mohanani et al., 2020). Psychology is well positioned to respond to this gap through empirical research. Through cognitive measures and the analysis of individual differences, we can apply dual processing theory to better understand how this ultimately explains perceptions of security within software development.
Two different populations were included in our sample, freelance developers, and computer science students, as they represent two different timepoints in the software engineer lifecycle. Students represent early stage, less experienced engineers, and freelancers represent those who have experience from prior projects. The motivation for using both populations is to better understand how security perceptions and risk sensitivity may change (or not change) over the lifecycle of engineers. Increasing awareness of the cognitive features that underpin security perceptions in software across the engineer lifecycle, we are better placed to provide interventions at the most effective points. If risk sensitivity is similar across both populations, then intervening as early as possible may be the solution, whereas if a difference is seen, indicating an event or events altering risk sensitivity, then interventions should look to address these events.
This article is part of a larger project (Ivory, 2022) that examines both cognitive links and risk perception, alongside social identity, and responsibility within software development. The project comprises two independent, self-contained components, with the complementary package focusing on a thematic analysis of responsibility and risk acceptance (Ivory et al., 2023). The overall project information and data can be found at https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/P6DY5.
Three hypotheses were created to direct this research:Hypothesis 1: Higher risk aversion scores will be associated with increased awareness and sensitivity to risk in language describing professional work related to software development. Lower risk aversion (higher risk attraction) will be associated with less awareness and sensitivity to risk in language describing professional work. Hypothesis 2: Higher cognitive reflection test scores will be associated with increased awareness and sensitivity to risk in language describing professional work. Lower cognitive reflection (higher risk attraction) will be associated with less awareness and sensitivity to risk in language describing professional work. Hypothesis 3: Mean scores closer to zero on the novel OWASP2 risk task will be found with higher scores of cognitive reflection. Scores of zero are expected to represent a realistic, unclouded view of risk which should align with more reflective thinking styles.
As per the preregistration, we required a minimum sample of 122 participants, 61 from each population to meet a desired power level of 80%. A sample of 150 were sought to account for low-quality responses. We recruited 149 participants and excluded data from eight participants; four failed over 50% of attention checks, one preferred not to provide gender information (one observation would not be appropriate to use in analysis to make meaningful implications), and three provided responses of less than 20 words to the questions. Our data corpus thus comprises 141 participants (“software engineers”), 69 of whom were professional freelance software (six females and 63 males) developers and 72 were computer science (CS) students (31 female and 41 male).
All research involved in this project was approved by the University Faculty Ethics committee. Participants provided informed consent before commencing with the research study.
We recruited developers using the freelance website, https://www.upwork.com/. We uploaded an advertisement (available on OSF; https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/P6DY5) asking participants to complete a study about their understanding of security in software development. We specified that participants should be currently working in software development, have experience writing secure code and have been involved in noneducation-based software projects. We compensated freelance developers at rate of £10/hr. The student sample was collected from two sources, using internal university mailing lists and the recruitment website, Prolific. We compensated CS students at a rate of £8.50/hr.
Age details can be found in Table 1. Due to data collection issues, nationality data for developers are unavailable, which was substituted with country-level location. Figure 1 shows an approximation of participant location and nationality by presenting continental-level data. Most people do not emigrate from their origin country, with around one in 30 migrating internationally (McAuliffe & Triandafyllidou, 2021). Representing both nationality and location together approximates both data types on a continental scale. Ethnicity and socioeconomic status were not collected in the study design and cannot be reported or discussed.
Map Displaying Approximated Location/Nationality Data of Participants on a Continent Level
Note. This approximates location and nationality of each participant due to expected immigration movement. “Participant Distribution” by Matthew Ivory, licensed under CC BY 4.0 from https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/P6DY5.
Reported Ages of Participants Included in the Analysis | ||
Age | Developer | Student |
18–24 | 28 | 42 |
25–34 | 34 | 20 |
35–44 | 6 | 8 |
45–54 | 1 | 2 |
Participants completed the study through the online surveying software Qualtrics. The survey (in study presentation order) included demographic information, an Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) vulnerability task (OVT), four open-text response questions focused on risk awareness, aversion, and mitigation in software development, a gambling task and two versions of CRTs (Frederick, 2005; Thomson & Oppenheimer, 2016).
The OVT is designed to measure unrealistic optimism in software security by leveraging familiar concepts, such as well-known vulnerabilities that are well established and consistently highlighted year-on-year. It can be expected that software engineers will perceive including vulnerabilities in their own code as a more negative event than vulnerabilities created by other developers. The OVT builds upon the finding that individuals tend to underestimate the likelihood of negative events affecting them (Sharot, 2011; Weinstein, 1980). While previous cybersecurity research has focused on users and their optimism (West, 2008; Wiederhold, 2014), we devised a measure that is specific for software developers who engage in secure coding. The OVT is a measure of comparative optimism between an individual’s estimation of their own likelihood of including security vulnerabilities compared to an average developer.
The measure uses the 2021 top five vulnerabilities: Injection flaws, Broken Authentication, Sensitive Data Exposure, XML External Entity flaws, and Broken Access Control.3 The top five vulnerabilities were used as opposed to the full list of 10 as less experienced developers are more likely to be familiar with these vulnerabilities.
The OVT consists of two parts, separated by a secondary task, and presented in a randomized order to reduce recall effects. The first asks participants to estimate the percentage likelihood of a specific vulnerability existing in web applications released by the “average developer.” The second part asks respondents the likelihood of themselves introducing these vulnerabilities into their own code. Similar measures have been used previously, asking participants for two measures of success, with the first being about personal confidence in correctly answering a question, followed by a second asking about the percentage of other people who would answer correctly (De Neys et al., 2013; Frederick, 2005; Hoover & Healy, 2019).
The qualitative questions consisted of four items asking participants about their experiences, thoughts, and opinions on security within software development. Participants had the option to write answers or record audio responses using Phonic (https://www.phonic.ai). Participants were asked to write for at least 4 min or speak for 2 min per question. The questions asked are shown in Table 2.
Qualitative Questions Presented to Participants in the Order Listed | |
Number | Question |
1 | Describe a time when you successfully developed and released/launched a software project, either in a professional or personal capacity. This could either be a recent example, or perhaps a project you were particularly proud/happy with. Please include information concerning the purpose of the project and how important security was during development. |
2 | When considering the process of developing and launching software/web applications, what is at risk of potentially going wrong and how could these risks affect you? You should consider the size or the significance of the potential factors that may go wrong and how this may affect you (e.g., risk of functional failure, financial losses, damage to reputation, etc.) |
3 | If you were to consider software development as a series of ‘gambles’ (decisions that confer possible risk), what gambles would be considered worthwhile or worth a risk during the process of developing software? Why? These gambles may be considered from both an individual perspective and as a team. Both decisions that you take individually, or decisions that are enforced by policy, should be considered. |
4 | What approaches or considerations, do you, or your team, take when aiming to identify potential risks or security vulnerabilities when developing software? What is the reasoning behind these decisions? You should consider the decisions and thought processes behind selecting certain tools (such as static analysis tools), as well as identifying specific tools. |
The gambling exercise replicated that used by Frederick (2005). Thirteen questions sought preference between two options of gaining or losing money. Eight questions contrasted gain scenarios (“Gain £100 for sure or a 90% chance of £500”), and five contrasted loss scenarios (“Lose £50 for sure or a 10% chance to lose £800”). All questions were presented in a randomized order.
We employed two CRTs. The original CRT (Frederick, 2005), and the CRT-2 (Thomson & Oppenheimer, 2016), an alternate version designed both to reduce the numerical nature of the questions and address floor effects. We reworded question texts, altering names and values to mitigate attempts to answer questions through an online search for a matching string. The core principle of each question was not modified. An example is changing the word “bat” and “ball” for “article clip” and “elastic band,” respectively. We checked whether participants had seen or answered CRT questions before, although previous research (Białek & Pennycook, 2018; Stagnaro et al., 2018) suggests scores are stable across repeat exposure. We recorded response times to the CRT questions and instructed participants to complete the CRT questions as fast as possible to reduce internet searching.
Participants were presented through Qualtrics with an information sheet that described aims and intentions, following which they gave their informed consent. Participants then answered demographic questions, completed the first OVT for the average software engineers, split by the qualitative questions, then completed the second OVT. This was followed by the gambling task and the CRT measures. Finally, participants were presented with a debrief sheet that provided further information, references, and contact details for the researchers. The survey flow is shown in Figure 2.
Survey Flow Representing the Presentation Order of Measures Given to Participants
Note. All participants received the same order of measures with randomization within the measures (detailed in text where appropriate). OVT = Open Web Application Security Project vulnerability task; CRT = Cognitive Reflection Test.
The study comprises a between-participants observational survey design grouped by a two-level factor of population (freelancer vs. student). Data from two independent populations were collected and contrasted. Data validity can be seen in the OSF repository additional online materials.
Question responses were operationalized through content analysis. As participants had been asked to write for at least 4 min or speak for 2 min per question, we did not expect short responses. The average response wordcount for developers were on average 81.09 words long (SD = 61.71), and the students’ responses were longer at 94.38 words (SD = 38.38). As a preregistration deviation, we removed responses of 20 word or less (forming a proxy of low quality) as they were less than one standard deviation from the average response (for developers). Of the short responses, 38 were removed in total, from 22 participants. Two participants (both freelancers) had all responses removed, two participants had three responses omitted, six had two responses removed, and 12 participants had only one response removed.
Responses were unnested into single words, words that appeared five or fewer times were removed, remaining words were stemmed to their shortest form (e.g., “secured” and “secure” were stemmed to “secur”). Stopwords (“and,” “because,” “though”) were removed to reduce noise. Then using the Computer Science Academic Vocabulary List (Roesler, 2020), words were tagged as computer science/software relevant. The remaining words were manually tagged for topics of uncertainty, software products, workplace specific language, finance, geographic references, legal, and shallow skills. Following coding, all tagged words were reviewed for appropriateness, and discussed among the research team. Two independent researchers were given a sample of all the retained words and asked to categorize them using the finalized tags, resulting in 20% of all words being reviewed independently (each researcher reviewing 10%).
Interrater reliability was initially assessed through Cohen’s κ (Cohen, 1960). Yet, this measure does not perform well when handling imbalances in the marginal distributions of confusion matrices (Warrens, 2014). In the present case of assessing the reliability of topic coding, the distributions are greatly skewed in favor of negative ratings from researchers, Consequently, small deviations from the positive-positive ratings greatly affect the value of Cohen’s κ. Since percentage of raw agreement is not reliant on marginal distributions (von Eye & von Eye, 2008) we use this as a preferred and complementary measure of interrater reliability.
To calculate κ and percentage agreements, confusion matrices were constructed with the primary researcher’s ratings against the combined ratings of the secondary researchers. As the secondary researchers rated separate sections of the data, there was no overlap between the words and so were combined. From this the percentage of both parties identifying a word belonging to a topic or not provided the interrater reliability. We report the raw percentage agreements in Table 3 as it provides a coarse-grade assessment of potential bias, and we provide the data and the analysis code in the online repository at https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/SJ8BT (Ivory et al., 2022), providing full transparency of data reliability.
The Raw Percentage Agreement Between the Primary Researcher and the Two Researchers Who Completed the Validation Task | |
Topic | Agreement |
Risk | .87 |
Product | .88 |
Workplace | .86 |
Finance | .91 |
Geographic | .97 |
Legal | .91 |
Shallow skills | .94 |
Following the reliability assessment, proportional variables were then calculated through topic occurrence divided by word count, creating the variable “proportion of uncertainty-related language” (PURL), as well as proportion of computer science language. This resulted in a value of topic proportion for each question per participant.
We used data transformations to prepare variables for suitable analysis. We scaled continuous variables, CRT, OVT, Gambling scores, PURL, and proportion of computer science language between 0 and 1. We transformed variables with substantially nonnormal distributions to improve normality (see Table 4): OVT scores and PURL scores (with values of zero removed—see the Analytic Strategy section). These transformations are a deviation from our preregistration, and for transparency, additional online materials are available at https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/SJ8BT that detail the reasons for requiring these transformations. In short, models that used the untransformed data suffered violations of model assumptions and were less effective than models that used the transformed data.
Transformation of Optimism Task and PURL Scores Toward a Normal Distribution | |||||
Measure | Transform power | Shapiro–Wilks | p value | ||
OVT | 1.425 | .96 | .98 | .006 | .036 |
PURL | .05 | .75 | .99 | <.001 | .013 |
Analysis was conducted in R (Version 4.1.0). Data, analysis scripts, and instructions for reproducing the results seen in this article can be found in the OSF repository here at https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/SJ8BT.
To address hypotheses one and two, a two-step model was employed due to the zero-inflated nature of PURL induced through a floor effect (i.e., not all responses used language around uncertainty). The first step was a logistic mixed-effect regression model to determine the existence of uncertainty-related language based on other variables. The second step was a linear mixed-effect regression model to understand the impact of cognition on PURL. For addressing Hypothesis 3, a linear model was built to compare vulnerability scores by cognitive reflection.
Mixed-effect models were used as these handle nested data appropriately. As each participant provided four different text responses, it is important to treat these as independent to each other, but dependent on the participant. This allows for greater model fit, and accounts for participant-level variation in PURL as well as at the question level.
To test Hypotheses 1 (that generalizable risk perspectives increase risk sensitivity) and 2 (that generalizable reflective decision-making increases risk sensitivity), a two-step or hurdle model, was developed to first identify the presence of uncertainty-related language, followed by the second model for determining PURL, including risk aversion (as operationalized through gambling task scores), and cognitive reflection (operationalized through CRT scores). Hypothesis 1 is assessed through the inclusion of the loss aversion scores in ensuing models, and Hypothesis 2 is assessed through the inclusion of CRT terms in the models.
In the two-step model, the first model represents a hurdle to be passed, which determines whether uncertainty is reflected in the text. If uncertainty is present and the hurdle is “cleared,” the second model provides predictive power for PURL in the zero-truncated data. Exploratory results that were not preregistered are included in the additional online materials found on OSF.
The first step was a binary mixed-effect logistic regression model to identify the presence of uncertainty-related language. Not all sentences written by participants included uncertainty, and so PURL distribution was zero-dominated. This model presents the first hurdle, and if the threshold of zero language is crossed, then data are subject to the second step.
This model was developed using a forward-step approach starting with the null model to model the existence of uncertainty language within responses. For model refinement, outliers were identified using Cook’s distance, which measures the influence specific datapoints have over the model fit. Items with a value three times greater than the mean of all the distances were flagged and removed. The final model, with coefficients seen in Table 5, had an Akaike information criterion of 2515.00, explained variance of
Model Coefficients of the Terms Used in the Modelling of the Presence of Uncertainty-Related Language | ||
Term | β | Significance |
Intercept | −1.35 | *** |
CS prop | 8.39 | *** |
Question 2 | 1.91 | *** |
Question 3 | 1.84 | *** |
Question 4 | 0.96 | *** |
Question 2: CSprop | −5.36 | ** |
Question 3: CSprop | −2.6 | |
Question 4: CSprop | −0.35 | |
(1|participant) |
The second step focused on data containing PURL. This enabled a mixed-effects linear regression model for predicting the amount of PURL in a response. The dependent variable, PURL was zero-truncated, assessed for normality, and transformed toward a more normal distribution. Figure 3 shows the zero-truncated distribution, and the subsequent transformed distribution. The nontransformed zero-truncated data’s Shapiro–Wilks value = .75, p < .001, and the transformed data, W = .99, p = .013. While still nonnormal, it is less right-skewed than the untransformed data. Appendix provides examples of how PURL manifested in responses.
Distribution of the PURL Scores Before and After Transformation Toward a Normal Distribution
Note. The contrasting plots provide a visualization of the difference in distribution made from the transformations. PURL = proportion of uncertainty-related language.
Model building began with the null model with terms added sequentially. A mixed-effect model was chosen due to the data’s nested structure. Each independent datapoint indicated a sentence nested within a response, which were nested under participants. For this, a random intercept of participant was included, with a random slope of question to allow for individual differences in language use.
Hat values were used to identify high leverage points, which are datapoints that measure the distance from the observed and fitted values, higher values indicate higher leverage, and we examined values two times greater than the mean hat value. Little relationship was seen, and removal provided negligible effect on the model. Removing influential outliers through Cook’s distance had little effect on the model and so all items were retained.
The final model can be seen in Table 6 and reports an
Chosen Model for the Second Step Model Using Zero-Truncated PURL as a Dependent Variable | |||
Term | β | Variance | Significance |
Intercept | 0.91 | *** | |
CRT | −0.04 | ** | |
OVT | −0.04 | * | |
CRT × OVT | 0.07 | * | |
Question 2 | 0.01 | *** | |
Question 3 | 0.01 | *** | |
Question 4 | 0.02 | *** | |
Random (Question 1) | .0006 | ||
Random (Question 2) | .0006 | ||
Random (Question 3) | .0006 | ||
Random (Question 4) | .0006 |
Interaction Plot Between CRT Score (the Propensity for Reflective Thinking) OVT Score (Optimism Bias) and Model Predicted Values
Note. To provide easier interpretation of the interaction, the plot presents three “groups”—of low, neutral, and high OVT scores. In reality, this grouping does not exist and is a continuum, but the grouping represents the extremes effectively. OVT = Open Web Application Security Project vulnerability task; PURL = proportion of uncertainty-related language; CRT = Cognitive Reflection Test.
To test for the effects of optimism bias in software development, first a simple linear regression compared OVT scores between students (M = 16.72) and developers (M = 18.10) which was found to be nonsignificant, F(1, 139) = .12, p = .727,
To test Hypothesis 3, a linear regression model was used to predict OVT scores using both CRT measures. A series of models were built to identify the most parsimonious model using Akaike information criterion as the suitability criterion. No model was constructed that provided a significantly better fit than the null model, indicating no strong relationship between OVT scores and cognitive reflection scores. Consequently, we do not reject Hypothesis 3’s null hypothesis that there is no relationship between OVT scores and CRT.
We asked whether domain-general, psychological measures of cognitive reflection, risk aversion, alongside optimism bias for security vulnerabilities would predict how software engineers talk about risk perception when discussing their software security. Using data collected from freelance software developers and CS students, we analyzed PURL through a mixed-effects hurdle model, The key finding was an interaction between cognitive reflection and unrealistic optimism for PURL. Also, engineers were typically overly = optimistic about personal susceptibility toward security vulnerabilities. Meanwhile, risk aversion was not a strong indicator of PURL, nor did we find a systematic relationship between cognitive reflection and optimism.
This article answers calls for increased psychology-based research in software development (Acar et al., 2016; Capretz & Ahmed, 2018) by showing that software engineers are subject to the same cognitive constraints as nonengineers. The language used by engineers talking about secure coding can be usefully framed with respect to dual-processing theory.
Additionally, a systematic review (Mohanani et al., 2020) within software engineering points toward the breadth of biases affecting software (Fagerholm et al., 2022; Ralph, 2011). Our quantitative, data-driven study extends the understanding of heuristics and biases for secure software. Moreover, the present study underscores the potential for different cognitive constructs to interact in the software domain, revealing the complexity of how heuristics can shape software risk.
Prospect theory proposes that people are more sensitive to losses over gains (Frederick, 2005; Kahneman & Tversky, 1979). As a group, software engineers show this asymmetry too, yet we did not find evidence to support Hypothesis 1 that greater risk aversion would associate with greater risk sensitivity in language. There are two interpretations we present that may explain this finding.
One interpretation is that engineers do not systematically frame security decisions in terms of gains or losses. Software security is often made up of smaller, independent decisions, each with their own framing and outcome value. Typically, software engineers perceive security as a barrier (Lopez et al., 2022), or lower priority than functionality (Lopez, Sharp, et al., 2019), but this may not translate well into mental models of software, meaning that security is poorly considered in terms of risk aversion. It could also be interpreted that risk aversion is unrelated to risk taking behavior as there are other factors that determine the behavior. In economic research, it is seen that low risk aversion can lead to riskier trading decisions (Hoffmann et al., 2015), which contrasts with our expected findings. Further research and a better understanding of the link between software developers’ language and risk behavior is warranted to better understand this finding.
The lack of evidence for a direct relationship between CRT and risk sensitivity might reflect (a) the study design, (b) the lack of sensitivity of CRT to capture relevant individual differences, or (c) a more complex relationship than a bivariate link. We believe the evidence points to (c) because we obtained an interaction between CRT and optimism for risk sensitivity. Moreover, this interaction negates the likelihood that (a) or (b) are wholly satisfactory.
The implication is that the specific simple and direct relationship between cognitive reflection and uncertainty language is weak, and a software engineer’s ability to reflect on decisions does not manifest in the language used concerning security. Fine-tuning either—or both—of these constructs might enable stronger evidence to emerge of their link. However, we did find an indirect relationship between CRT cognitive reflection and risk sensitivity in language, one that supports the broad thrust of the initial prediction.
Experienced freelancers and CS students collectively demonstrated a significantly greater optimistic belief in their own secure coding behaviors (see Rhee et al., 2012; Weinstein, 1980) with no noticeable differences between the populations. Measuring unrealistic optimism can serve as a proxy of System 1 processing, as the presence of one bias indicates an increased likelihood of other biases being present too (Ralph, 2011). Insofar as both developers and CS students reported similar levels of optimism, the present research supports the findings of Oliveira et al. (2018) and Brun et al. (2022) that experience does not reduce susceptibility in biases in vulnerability detection.
Observing optimism bias in both new and experienced software engineers reinforces our conclusion that this is an intuitive, instinctive perception. It is neither simply a naïve aspiration nor a survivor bias.
The second step in the hurdle model focused on relationships between cognition and risk sensitivity. The key finding was an interaction between cognitive reflection and optimism that provided predictive power for uncertainty-related language. Those who displayed high optimism spoke less frequently about uncertainty, but as cognitive reflection increased, so did uncertainty. Conversely, pessimistic software engineers frequently mentioned uncertainty, but decreased in uncertainty as cognitive reflection increased. In other words, the way that engineers talk about uncertainty and security is dependent on multiple facets of cognition. This provides some support for Hypothesis 2 but not in its entirety.
The finding that cognitive reflection or optimism alone explain very little variance in security perceptions highlights the entangled nature of cognition in the real-world. Despite cognitive reflection and optimism being two clearly defined measures of cognition within the psychological literature, in data collected from a complex domain, we see that these aspects of cognition are linked and cannot be considered totally modular.
Those naturally optimistic about security, and who deploy System 1 thinking, are less likely to discuss uncertainty—perhaps because it is not seen as an issue. Indeed, Assal and Chiasson (2018) found that overly optimistic software engineers view additional security implementation as holding minimal value, as they believe their current level of security to be sufficient. When considering security, therefore, they may require stronger cues or framing to activate System 2 when making security decisions. Meanwhile, those naturally pessimistic about security, talked more about uncertainty and here System 2 thinking is associated with increased uncertainty (Siegrist et al., 2005).
Reduced self-confidence may mean engineers feel overwhelmed when presented with security decisions, which is not helped by a lack of documentation supporting their choices (Acar et al., 2017) or lone working environments (van der Linden et al., 2020). By activating System 2 processing and thinking critically about security decisions, the naturally pessimistic may find increased confidence in their abilities to code securely. One catalyst for System 2 thinking during secure decision making might be peer communication (Shreeve et al., 2022), which allows for the balancing of perspectives and a reduction of biases. Both examples of the naturally optimistic and pessimistic aligns with the dual-processing theory (Evans, 2003), suggesting that software engineers who can easily activate System 2 processing will experience reduced biased judgment during secure decision making.
A practical ramification of this interaction is that discussions within development teams may help to improve security decisions. While developers working alone do not have access to such support, engagement with interactive websites—such as Stack Overflow—can provide a digital community to engage with (Lopez, Tun, et al., 2019) beyond a simple question-and-answer format. Encouraging developers to interact even asynchronously can potentially provide a community that motivates more reflective thinking. Developing an understanding of how social identity affects these communities and increases engagement between peers can help on this front.
Our findings have implications for how software engineer freelancers (as the focus of this research) are rewarded for practicing secure coding. The implications are also relevant for engineers working in more permanent roles within a company. Rewards can be used as an incentive to encourage certain behaviors and reduce unwanted ones. Rewards can be intrinsic or extrinsic; intrinsic rewards are those internal to the individual and are inherently found in the task itself and upon completion, and extrinsic rewards are external to the task, such as pay or recognition (Ajila & Abiola, 2004).
Intrinsic rewards can boost task performance with motivation also playing a mediating role (Manzoor et al., 2021). Intrinsic rewards can stem from expressions of appreciations by senior employees or promotions based on work quality, and so in nonfreelance engineering roles, this is easily managed by ensuring that employees are recognized for their secure coding practices. Motivation for accuracy or quality can lead to a greater expenditure of cognitive effort (Kunda, 1990), and these motivations can be achieved through an expectation to defend or explain one’s decisions (Tetlock & Kim, 1987).
Extrinsic rewards are not as straightforward for freelance engineers as they can be for contracted engineers, as the companies may be less inclined to provide incentives for secure code if they do not see freelancers as part of the company. One way to provide an extrinsic reward is through the recruitment platforms that they use. If freelancers can be publicly recognized for their secure coding practices in the previous work, this may be seen as a potential reward for quality work as it boosts their profile, increasing potential work offers. The exact nature of verifying secure coding practices on freelance platforms is beyond the scope of this article, but if a system can be devised that is universally trusted and easily implementable, then the use of gamification may work as a reward system. Gamification methods have been shown to have long-term behavioral effects (Hamari, 2017), but gamification should be done with caution as not all findings support their efficacy (Barreto & França, 2021). If badges are perceived by platform-users meaningful and trusted, these may act as a reward system that can be used for freelancers.
The use of rewards, either intrinsic or extrinsic, for encouraging secure coding behaviors can be used to increase motivation and subsequently increase task performance. In a secure coding specific context, by rewarding secure behaviors, this can be linked to greater cognitive engagement, and through the dual-processing theory, lead to reduced bias interference. In the interaction seen between cognitive reflection and optimism, by increasing the likelihood of engaged System 2 processing, clients, stakeholders, and employees can focus on managing optimism rather than juggling two aspects of cognition at a time.
The finding that population was not a significant term in the modeling process supports the assumptions of our key take-home message, that the data offer credibility for using CS samples in future research in place of professional developers.
The persistence of biases and similar approaches to uncertainty around security implies these are general and widespread characteristics, rather than something unique to students that is modified by experience. This signals that psychological interventions may have an effect across the software engineering domain, and not limited to inexperienced or early stage developers. It also shows that individuals who may be predisposed toward more intuitive, impulsive modes of decision making are not impervious to learning, or seeking support from their work environment to ensure that they make appropriate choices at key points during projects.
Acknowledging that professional developer populations can be harder to access, easier access to a population whose only significant difference is experience provides momentum to further research projects. CS students provide an alternative, cheaper, and easier way to explore hypotheses before confirming findings in professional developers.
Insofar as we proposed novel quantitative hypotheses that addressed general psychological constructs, we have no specific reason to expect that participant diversity (e.g., with respect to the age, gender, and location) would affect performance. Moreover, the profile of these variables broadly corresponds with those of the community—most of our participants were aged 18 and 35 for both groups, which aligns with the Stack Overflow 2022 (https://survey.stackoverflow.co/2022) results that reported over 63% of respondents were aged between 18 and 34. Similarly, the gender split reported by our sample was 74% male compared to Stack Overflow’s reported 92% male audience. This indicates either a potential shift in the future gender split of software developers, with more female developers currently learning to develop software, or it reflects a potential gender split in survey response propensity with more females choosing to participate in nonstandard freelance work offers. The sample was globally distributed representing the global, diverse nature of software development.
Our research is built upon the theoretical foundations of dual-processing theory and heuristics. We define heuristics as “mental shortcuts” that can be used in multiple scenarios to simplify and speedup decisions (Beike & Sherman, 1994), but when heuristics do not provide appropriate decisions for certain contexts, then they become biases (Gigerenzer, 2015; Kahneman et al., 1974).
Two main schools of heuristics exist, both of which share commonalities but deviate on other aspects. For a more comprehensive discussion over the major differences, the reader is referred to Hjeij and Vilks (2023) and Samuels et al. (2012). The first school of thought is that proposed by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky in the 1970s (Kahneman et al., 1974), who posit that heuristics are evolutionary mechanisms that use generalizations or rules-of-thumb to reduce cognitive load. They suggest that while they help us make quick decisions, they are often inaccurate. More importantly, we use heuristics even when there is little guarantee they will produce a correct answer. In short, Kahneman and Tversky suggest that human decision making is largely irrational.
The second school is that of bounded rationality started by Herbert Simon and continued by Gigerenzer (2015). One of the main contributions is the adaptive toolbox which defines heuristics as efficient processes which ignore information in favor of speed, but with one significant difference, that these heuristics are often ecologically rational and can provide answers that are nearly, or as-good as optimized decision-making mechanisms. Part of Gigerenzer’s toolbox was the concept of fast and frugal heuristics, where less information is more (Gigerenzer, 2008).
The difference between the two schools can be distilled into a difference in research focus. Kahneman and Tversky examined the decisions that people make (Kahneman & Klein, 2009), whereas Gigerenzer examines cognitive mechanisms (Gigerenzer & Gaissmaier, 2011). Both agree that if a heuristic is ill-fitted to the context, then they are biased and can be considered irrational. In our present research, we are examining the context of secure coding, for which no heuristic has evolved to handle (Oliveira et al., 2018), and so whether you subscribe primarily to Kahneman and Tversky’s definition of heuristics, or Gigerenzer’s, both approaches support the idea that in this context, intuitive, heuristic-based decisions are likely to produce incorrect and irrational decisions.
In this section, we draw attention to two domains of limitations: internal validity in terms of sampling and statistics, and external validity in terms of construct accuracy.
With respect to the former, we recognize that the work draws on self-reports of risk. We knew that asking participants about their experiences with developing software in the context of risk and uncertainty might prime security. All participants completed the same survey, and any priming effect would be across all participants. A different issue is that some participants responded to question prompts in a superficial or terse way. We asked respondents to write for at least 4 min or speak for 2 min per each qualitative, text-response question. Yet some responses were only three words long, limiting data quality. Typically, when this occurred, it was across all a participant’s text responses rather than specific questions. Drawing on a freelance online marketplace, we may have recruited participants who are focused on completing tasks quickly to maximize their hourly pay. Our preregistered sampling strategy was designed to mitigate data quality differences, proportions of language were used to ensure a relative association between response length and topic frequencies, and only responses longer than 20 words were analyzed. Nonetheless, further work that elicits richer data would be useful.
In the statistical (hurdle) model, the second step produced increased residuals in predicting high PURL, due to scarcer datapoints in the higher ranges. This could be a signal of a violation to the underlying distribution, however, Schielzeth et al. (2020) concluded mixed-effects models are relatively robust to such issues. We suggest this remains an appropriate analytic device, while welcoming any opportunity to complement these findings with convergent statistical approaches.
To measure optimism, we used a novel, software developer specific task, the OVT. The intention was to measure relative optimism between an individual and the “average” developer. Official statistics for the percentage of software applications suffering from specific OWASP vulnerabilities do not exist and so an absolute measure of optimism is unobtainable. By measuring relative optimism, we elicit information on domain-specific security concepts. The measure consists of two sections, one about personal risk and the other of the average developer. This was presented to participants in a fixed order which is like previous work using self-reported ratings of confidence (De Neys et al., 2013; Frederick, 2005; Hoover & Healy, 2019). Simplicity was valued and took research precedence in this regard, though of course it remains an open question as to whether different responses could be obtained through alternating section presentation. Note that a mixed order would have required additional model analytic terms, potentially resulting in overfitting, as well as reducing the analytic focus on the other cognitive measures.
Many studies have used CRT to understand individual differences in cognition. The first of two recurrent concerns is the extent to which performance is confounded by numerical ability, Although CRT associates strongly with numeracy (Liberali et al., 2012; Sinayev & Peters, 2015; Welsh et al., 2013), CRT responses have been shown to measure more than numeracy alone, as people tend to respond with a predictable intuitive and incorrect response (Pennycook & Ross, 2016). A second concern is interpretive; the attribution substitution hypothesis suggests that when using System 1 processing individuals unconsciously substitute complex decisions with computationally simpler ones (Hoover & Healy, 2019, 2021; Kahneman & Frederick, 2002). For our purposes, however, we simply note that showing the systematicity of the association between CRT scores and software cognition is the key first step. Disentangling the nuances of how conscious system switching or question framing might affect conceptual interpretation—of specific CRT questions—is left for more detailed enquiry.
Our future research will extend beyond the research described here, by leveraging preexisting paradigms (Brun et al., 2022) for measuring blindspots within application programming interfaces. By using a paradigm that reflects real-world scenarios, involving code reviews with insecure elements, measures of developers’ actions can be taken to associate with cognition. Previous work using this paradigm has not fully explored the relationships with heuristics and dual-processing theory which we anticipate being able to draw clear connections between. This will further evidence the need to examine software security through the lens of psychology to better understand the effect of cognition and individual differences in secure software development.
Understanding how software engineers talk about risk and security in software is important as it provides insight into how they approach software development. The main finding from this study is that an interaction between cognitive reflection and optimism goes someway to explain risk sensitivity in language used by engineers when discussing software development, risk, and security. It was also seen that software developers and CS do not differ significantly in their approaches to security and risk. Additionally, software developers and CS both exhibit optimistic perceptions on their likelihood to include vulnerabilities in their own software. Future research should expand upon this work by performing similar measures alongside software development tasks.
Subject ID | PURL | Sentence | Keywords |
01 | .00 | I was assigned a project to handle a drinks factory day-to-day purchases, sales, and employee records three months ago. | N/A |
89 | .24 | The main considerations I take when aiming to identify potential risks or security vulnerabilities when developing software are to consider the ways in which information could be compromised. | Risks, security, compromised |
126 | .35 | Where personal experience is not available, I would regularly visit a risk assessment template throughout the development process and ensure that potential risks are regularly identified during the development lifecycle. | Risk, risks |
09 | .58 | Good decisions always make software development smooth and secure, team lead would be a big factor, his ideas and decisions matters most | Decision, secure, decisions |
143 | .75 | I would say that user data collected from already existing secured software will provide additional protection from risks, such as Gmail, bank accounts, and other similar places where there is already an existed security. | Secured, protection, risks, security |
Note: PURL = proportion of uncertainty-related language; ID = identification number; N/A = not applicable. |