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Acknowledgment of Ad Hoc Reviewers 2024

Volume 6, Issue 1,

Published onJan 30, 2025
Acknowledgment of Ad Hoc Reviewers 2024

The editorial team of Technology, Mind, and Behavior gratefully acknowledges the many individuals who contributed their time and expertise by providing reviews from January 2023 to June 2024. We recognize that reviewing requires considerable time and effort, and we greatly appreciate their important service to the field by advancing our understanding of the complex interactions between humans and technology.

Principal Ad Hoc Reviewers

The Editor and Associate Editors wish to acknowledge the following ad hoc reviewers. These individuals reviewed four or more manuscripts for Technology, Mind, and Behavior over the past year and were designated Principal Ad Hoc Reviewers in recognition of their service.Nigel Bosch Rebecca Katherine Britt Anne M. Cleary Elizabeth Cohen Christine Linda Cook Nicole Krämer Rhonda McEwen

Ad Hoc Reviewers

  1. Cengiz Acarturk

  2. Christine Anderl

  3. Charles S. Areni

  4. Kenneth Arnold

  5. Reem Ayad

  6. Kanishka Baduni*

  7. Ryan S. Baker

  8. Nick Ballou

  9. Nigel Bosch

  10. Valentina Boursier

  11. Tiernan Joseph Cahill

  12. Orhan Çevik

  13. Thierry Chaminade

  14. Arti Chandani

  15. Chen Crystal Chen

  16. Jason Chew*

  17. Mina Choi

  18. Alejandra Ciria

  19. Joe Clare

  20. Simon Cooper

  21. Yue Dai

  22. Rowan Daneels

  23. Brittany Davidson

  24. Jenny Davis

  25. Jan de Wit

  26. Zachary Demko

  27. Tobias Dienlin

  28. Stephanie Diez

  29. Myrthe Faber

  30. Andrew Gambino

  31. Enrico Gandolfi

  32. Douglas A. Gentile

  33. Peter Gerhardstein

  34. Gudela Grote

  35. Nikolos M. Gurney

  36. Eugy Han

  37. Beatrice Hasler

  38. Nhung T. Hendy

  39. Elisabeth Holl

  40. Susan Holtzman

  41. Aike C. Horstmann

  42. Russell Houpt

  43. Ruud Jacobs

  44. Michaeline Jensen

  45. Cheryl Johnson

  46. Mina Johnson

  47. Mark Johnson

  48. Smriti Joshi

  49. Safura M. Kallier-Tar

  50. Jason A. Kaufman

  51. Daniel Kaufmann

  52. Merel Keijsers

  53. Jon Kelly

  54. Daniel Kim*

  55. El-Lim Kim

  56. Jiho Kim*

  57. Jihyun Kim

  58. Nils Köbis

  59. Bruno Lara

  60. Rita Latikka

  61. Soon Li Lee

  62. Joseph Lehmann

  63. Alex P. Leith

  64. Nicky Lewis

  65. Siyuan Li

  66. Tony Liao

  67. Xun Liu

  68. Weizi Liu

  69. Guido Makransky

  70. Krista-Lee Malone

  71. Serena Marchesi

  72. Corinna Martarelli

  73. Ati Suci Dian Martha

  74. Nic Matthews

  75. Teodora Mihailova

  76. Katherine Mimnaugh

  77. Peter Nagy

  78. Pawel Niszczota

  79. Eugene Ohu

  80. Linda Onnasch

  81. Amy Orben

  82. Douglas A. Parry

  83. Elena Petrovskaya

  84. Daniel Pimentel

  85. Andrew Potter

  86. Heather Quirk*

  87. Yara Qutteina

  88. Sarah Rajtmajer

  89. Manoj Ramanathan

  90. Tobias R. Rebholz

  91. Perry Arthur Reed

  92. Minjin Rheu

  93. Ruby Roberts

  94. Ana Carolina de Mello Alves Rodrigues

  95. Dmitri Rozgonjuk

  96. Pamela B. Rutledge

  97. Noah Schroeder

  98. Michael Scullin

  99. Nicholas Sellers

  100. Rocco Servidio

  101. Valerie L. Shalin

  102. Akiko Shibuya

  103. Mindy Shoss

  104. Alexander Skulmowski

  105. Leonard Smart

  106. Vasileios Stavropoulos

  107. An-Pyng Sun

  108. Jessica Szczuka

  109. Joshua Tasoff

  110. Samuel M. Tham

  111. Trevor Thwaites

  112. Phillip Tomporowski

  113. Patrycja Uram

  114. Sonja Utz

  115. John Velez

  116. Matti Vuorre

  117. Grace Wang

  118. Josef Wiemeyer

  119. Magdalena Wischnewski

  120. Hongwei Yu

  121. Daniel Yue

* Denotes a reviewer who co-reviewed under the supervision of a primary reviewer.

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